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About us

Kalah Jewellery is a Bohemian treasure trove with a variety of handcrafted pieces and semi-precious stones sourced from around the world.

The store is run by an animal lover from London.

Animal welfare and jewellery making have always been my two greatest passions in life, so why not combine them? Over the years I have been an advocate for raising awareness to help prevent animal extinction and preserve endangered species. I thought this would be a great way to help spread the word. Each order comes with information and fact cards of our impact on the planet and how we can make a difference.

What are endangered species?

A species of animal or plant where only a few numbers remain and are in danger of becoming extinct.  

We're currently experiencing the worst spate of species extinctions, with as many as 30 - 50% of all species potentially disappearing by mid-century.

How can I help?

You may think that one person can't possibly make much of a difference but it can be as simple as putting less meat on your plate to unplugging electrical items when you're not using them.

Here at Kalah, we are donating 30% of each purchase to a different charity or organisation each month that help prevent animal extinction. Head over to our Twitter, Instagram or Facebook page @Kalahjewellery for the latest updates. 

So if you're not ready just yet to put that steak down, be safe in the knowledge that you still made a difference. 

How do I know where the donation goes?

You will receive a certificate with your purchase of how much you have donated, details of the charity and ways you have helped.

We can all help to make a difference.